Saturday, September 23, 2006


Hi All.

This section hasnt been updated recently for a number of reasons, firstly ive not been near an internet connection for ages and secondly cause the updates have been going to the members area.

I know some people are having dificulties viewing that so any updates i make will be automatically sent to a mailing list. If you wish to be included (AG im guessing) then let me know.

As for tonight, Google as a whole is having a number of issues which they will hopefully have fixed in the morning, I will give a more detailed update on my latest adventures then. The update will also benefit from me having slept before writing it.

I returned this evening, completley shattered, but to find that some problems have been fixed - i should now have access to Skype, so i should be intouch with people tommorrow and i now have a working telephone, though maintenance hasnt left me the number and they had all left by my return. I should hopefully be able to figure that out tomorrow when i can pinch a phone with caller display.

Have a good weekend,

More updates soon.

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